Post by Brian SmithPost by Brian SmithThe feeds switched over to the animals at 9:17AM PT for Part 2 of the
Final HOH and came back at ~11:40AM PT. MJ beat Cam to win Part 2. They
were all dressed in black. No idea what the comp was or if Chelsie
hosted. Anyway, Part 3 between Chelsie and MJ is live on Sunday night.
Part 2 was a puzzle. They had to go up and down stairs to slide the
pieces into place. Apparently Cam had a problem with his base and either
didn't fix it or realize there was an issue.
They're all napping now which is probably what they'll mostly do until
Sunday. In a world of logical players, Cam would be laughing right now.
But is MJ going to wake-up and realize she can easily win $750K if she
wins Part 3 and evicts Chelsie?
She hasn't made a move without Chelsie's input for the last few weeks so
would be surprised if she doesn't take Chelsie's advice now. I would be
really surprised if Chelsie takes MJ if she wins the final round but who
I didn't see it, but apparently at some point today Chelsie was
practicing her F2 speech and it sounds like she plans on taking MJ to F2
if she wins Part 3 of the Final HOH. Would the jury see that as a show
of confidence in her game or as a dumbass move? There's no way Cam's
winning, so for me the smart move for either of them is to take Cam to
the end.
That would surprise me if Chelsie took MJ to F2 but I guess if she really
feels strongly she can beat her perhaps she will. I think for either of them
if they took Cam they would win but if they take each other it's a toss up
and am not sure how the votes would fall or who would win.