Post by Brian SmithWe might have a vote flip tonight!
Tonight's episode felt really long to me. I am glad that they dwelled on
Cam's crappy BB Comics performance and that they showed him saying that
he took a break.
Jury House Segment
I enjoyed this segment and wish it was longer. Loved how Angela was
convinced that there was no way in hell that Leah had a crush on Quinn
and then Leah confirmed that she does. The Quinn/Leah haters claim it's
fake but the same was said about Cory and America and they are still
Videos from Home
I don't recall the HGs ever being shown videos from home during a live show.
Live Vote
Cam: Kimo
Chelsie: Kimo
Kimo evicted by a vote of 2–0.
Julie's Interview with Kimo
Nothing special. A lot of "Hello!"s from Kimo.
Sunday's episode's start time is all over the map and there's no
Wednesday episode. POV Ceremony will be done live as it will be the
eviction vote.
it will be interesting to see if the Leah/Quinn connection continues outside
the house or was it sin;ply the loneliness of being in the house. One never