Post by Brian SmithTonight we will find out who the F3 is going to be. Unless MJ comes to
her senses, she's going to use the veto on herself (smart) and vote out
Rubina (very dumb).
Jury House Segment
This was the highlight of the episode for me. Angela and Leah nailed it
when they said MJ should have backdoored Chelsie instead of going after
Jag's Breakdown of BB26
Shockingly, Jag made a lot of sense.
POV Ceremony/Live Vote
As expected, MJ used the veto on herself and then evicted Rubina.
Julie's Interview with Rubina
Rubina claims that she would have taken MJ to F2 if she had won Final
HOH. She was also shown her GBMs. MJ admitted that she has a F3 with Cam
and Chelsie.
Tomorrow is the Memory Lane episode. They're very likely shooting it
right now so production can splice the scripted dialog into the clips
they've already chosen. Part 1 of the Final HOH will be played later