Post by JonPost by are you kiddingThanks for all of the updates again this season.
Thanks from me as well. Fun to get some concise perspectives other
than my own. JokersUpdates is a bit of an overload, and this year I
decided to avoid all spoilers and just watch the broadcast.
Though I did tune in to PlutoTV a couple of times to watch them in
Jankie World to see if the were actually forced to stay outside or if
it was going to just be edited to look like it for TV. I saw them in
ponchos when it was raining and they didn't even get to go inside.
They were all outside the entire time which killed strategic gameplay.
Leah was screwed over by this twist. I did love Jankie World. It was so
stupid that it was actually entertaining.
Post by JonI was a little disappointed that Production didn't take the week-long
lockout time to do some major changes inside the house - that would
have been an interesting twist. Could be something as simple as
repainting walls in different colors and then that would be used in
questions for a comp. "The bathroom walls changed from red to blue -
True or False?" etc. I remember one season where small items were
moved or removed during a normal lockout and it was part of a comp.
I'd have to go back to verify, But I think production used this week to
call in the exterminators to deal with the ants. The ants were winning
this season and quickly taking over the house despite Leah doing her
best to keep it clean.
Post by JonOn the finale, I was glad to see the pre-jurors segment get a little
more time. It has often felt very rushed and only touched on one or
two HG's. Tucker's apology was nice to see.
I hope to never see Tucker again. Same goes for Rubina. Both are loud
and annoying as hell. Throw Lisa into the mix as well.
Post by JonI don't watch the Real Housewives of anywhere. But I gather that they
have reunion shows of some sort. I'm surprised that CBS hasn't milked
the BB franchise with cast reunions after everybody has had a chance
to watch their season and learn about what was said behind their back.
For one, I would like to see if Angela would apologize for any of her
volatile behavior, especially her over-the-top vilification of Matt.
Matt's mom should apologize to Angela for the vile things she's said
about her. Based on Matt's behavior since he was booted I would say
Angela wasn't too far off in her assessment. He's a huge attention
whore. Angela has a deep understanding of reality TV and is giving them
what they want. I read she's been asked to join the cast of Real
Housewives of Salt Lake City for next season. Other than to keep her
name out there, I doubt Angela cares too much about Matt.